Puppy Chow

I made this once before, MANY years ago and kind of forgot about it, but I had a bunch of leftover Chex cereal in the house from making the “Texas Trash” and decided to give this another go. The last time I made it, the recipe on the back of the Chex box called it … Continue reading “Puppy Chow”


I made this once before, MANY years ago and kind of forgot about it, but I had a bunch of leftover Chex cereal in the house from making the “Texas Trash” and decided to give this another go. The last time I made it, the recipe on the back of the Chex box called it “Puppy Chow” (I think that they could get away with this because I think Ralston Purina owned Chex?), but now they are calling it “Muddy Buddies” (recipe here). I think Puppy Chow sounds cuter (and it does LOOK like Puppy Chow), but I know, I know….copyright this, trademark that, registered name, blah, blah…..

This was a SUPER huge hit with Boy (who helped make it) and Hubby, but Girl (who detests peanut butter) would only give it a tiny little taste before gagging and spitting it out (oh, well….more for us).

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